When your loved one goes to jail, it can be a nerve-wracking situation for everyone involved. Your first instinct is to help them get out of jail as quickly as possible so they can get back to their job and their family and not run the risk of being hurt while they are in custody. That’s a valid feeling and totally understandable when your loved one is in a difficult situation like being in jail. For most people, this means contacting our Thibodaux bail bonds office in order to start the process to get their friend or family member out right away. Signing for a bail bond is a big commitment, though, so there are some things you’ll want to consider first.

  • Can you afford it? While a bail bond will cost you 10% of the actual bond amount, that could still be a significant amount of money. For a $10,000 bail, for instance, you’ll need to come up with $1,000 for the bail bond. If you don’t have the money or can’t easily get it, you might not want to pay for the bail bond no matter how much you want them out of jail.
  • Are they safer inside? Sometimes time spent in jail isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If you are worried that your loved one could be a danger to themselves, you, or someone else, you may want to leave them in jail for now in order to give them time to cool off and be under supervision at all times.
  • Are they going to show up for their court dates? One of the worst things you can do to yourself and your loved one is bail them out of you think they are a flight risk. This makes you responsible for getting them to court for their next appearance, and if they don’t make it, you could be facing additional fees and fines on your bail bond.

Don’t take the commitment of signing for bail bonds lightly. This is something you should only do for someone that you know well and trust to show up for their remaining court appearances. If you aren’t sure you should be signing or need to know more about the process, talking to one of our bail bondsmen can help. We’ll honestly answer your questions and help you determine that the best next steps are for you and a loved one.

If you are ready to sign for a bail bond with our Thibodaux bondsman, get in touch with us right away. We’ll walk you through the process and make sure you are fully informed of your responsibilities. We make the process easy, too, so we can complete your bond as quickly as possible so your loved one gets out of jail fast. Give us a call or contact us through our website today and speak with one of our bail bondsman. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so we’re always ready to answer your calls.